Resonator is part of the new family of apps from our Android division.
This simple controller for guitar players is packed with expressive potential. Resonator can make music on the go like the other virtual guitars, but it excels by offering lightning fast MIDI over WIFI.
Wireless MIDI enables you to play external MIDI synthesizers running on a PC, Mac, or Linux, and even access hardware synthesizers from your mobile Android devices anywhere within your WIFI network.

With a program change selector
on the left, an octave selector on the right, a tilt
indicator up top, and a handful of preferences to help you
customize the app to your liking, you can personalize this
controller and get playing in no time.
Here are some short recordings made with Resonator sending
wireless MIDI to a popular software synthesizer - all
played in real time.
Keywords: synthesizer, guitar, bass, fretted, composing,
transcribing, making music, MIDI, wireless midi, virtual
guitar, virtual bass